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Town issues fire danger alert

July 21, 2022   ·   0 Comments

It has been a hot a dry summer, and the risk of fire caused by an open flame is a concern.

Floating embers can easily set grass, fields, or nearby buildings on fire.

The Town of New Tecumseth is urging residents who are making campfires to be vigilant and exercise cause when making a fire.

Currently, the Fire Danger Rating for New Tecumseth is considered high, meaning the risk of causing an accidental fire is very real when there is open air burning.

Along with New Tecumseth, Adjala-Tosorontio, Bradford West Gwillimbury, Essa, and Innisfil, are all listed in the “high” rating.

If you are making a campfire, you must take precautions by having water readily available to douse flames if they start to get out of control. You should always make sure a fire is fully extinguished when the night is over, and never leave a camp fire burning on its own.

Fires can be dangerous in camp grounds as well as embers can cause a fire in tents and campers in the area.

You should also be aware that there is by-law regarding open air fires.

The by-law states: “no person shall set a fire or permit a fire in the Town of New Tecumseth without first obtaining the necessary fire permit.”

Fire permits are available to print on-line only and must be purchase in-person at the Administration Centre in Alliston.

The Joint Operations Centre in Beeton remains closed to the public, however a completed fire permit application can be dropped off in the drop box.

By Brian Lockhart

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