Headline News

Town mulls options for old town hall

September 26, 2024   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

Now that Town of New Tecumseth staff and Council have moved into the new town hall, a decision on what to do with the old town is under consideration.

Council received a report during the September 23 Council meeting with options for consideration.

The report recommend that the town pursue rental options prior to demolition and sale of the old building.

Council passed confidential direction in June after receiving an appraisal of the property, and made the decision to demolish the buildings at 10 and 14 Wellington Street East and 13 Church Street South.

The report goes on to state that given the current state of the economy, future residential/industrial growth, and impending investment in infrastructure over the next five to ten years, there is potential for an improved valuation to the property should the town defer the listing of the property for several years.

The recent building condition assessment indicated that there is a significant funding gap for facilities maintenance and replacement of $4M annually. Opportunities to generate revenue from Town-owned assets should be presented and considered to fund these maintenance costs.

The report continues, there has been some solicitation from Non-Profit entities to utilize the space within the former town hall. Council should consider the costs to the Town in providing free space, especially considering the obligations for maintenance to support those buildings. Free space would be considered an increase in service levels. Council should provide a uniform and consistent response to all organizations.

There is a strategic desire to have this real estate utilized for a high density commercial/residential use. This is consistent with planning objectives and is especially beneficial in the downtown core to have a new population to support local business. In consultation with our real estate consultant it was advised that the property would be more valuable as vacant land than with a building presenting in an aged state. Council has recognized this by directing staff to demolish the building upon occupancy of the new town hall.

There is also an opportunity to investigate the potential for a temporary lease of the building. Tenant potential include those looking for temporary office space for businesses engaged in construction in the Town.

Staff are requesting a six-month opportunity to work with a real estate consultant to explore options and other possibilities prior to demolishing and listing the property.

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