Commentary, Opinion

Annual Poppy Campaign kicks off in support of veterans

November 3, 2022   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

You will see the volunteers standing quietly outside of stores, malls, and other notable spots around town for the weeks leading up to Remembrance Day.

The annual Poppy Campaign serves two purposes. First, it is a reminder to recognize fallen soldiers who have died in past wars, both in history and in recent conflicts.

Wearing the poppy symbolizes that remembrance.

Secondly, the Poppy Campaign generates donations for the Legion Poppy Fund, which supports Canada’s veterans and their families. 

Through donations, the Legion provides financial assistance and support to veterans, including Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP, and their families in need.

Poppy funds may be used for grants for food, heating costs, clothing, prescription medication, medical appliances and equipment, and emergency shelter or assistance for Veterans and their families.

The funds may also be used for Veteran Transition Programs that are directly related to the training, education, and support needs of Veterans and their families.

The funds raised also go toward other services related to veterans.

The Poppy Campaign is organized and run by local Legion volunteers at over 1,400 branches across Canada. Poppy funds are held in trust at every level of the Legion and funds are strictly controlled with an appropriate approval process.

Probably most importantly, the poppy you place on your lapel symbolizes remembrance for those who did not return home. It is a way of keeping their memory alive and reminding younger generations of their sacrifices.

Poppy Fund volunteers will be found at locations around New Tecumseth and poppy donation stations are set up at many local businesses, where you donate cash, or use the tap function to donate directly.

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